Focus on heavy equipment

Back to list Published: 2022-05-23

  Recently, our company's customized sludge rotary dryer equipment for Indian customers has been completed. After installation and commissioning by company personnel, all indicators of the equipment are in normal operation, meet the standards, and are qualified for delivery.

Sludge dryer sent to India

  The Indian customer ordered a large sludge rotary dryer, which can meet the production demand of 100 tons of sludge per day, with fast drying speed, environmental protection and energy saving, and high drying efficiency.

  The sludge dryer is a new generation drying system created by Jiutian for the characteristics of high water content, high viscosity, large water holding capacity and low calorific value of sludge. processing conditions. The equipment technology is mature enough, the operation ability is stable, and the operation and maintenance are very convenient.

  Our company will continue to report on the progress of the project, and the relevant production videos will be updated later. If you are interested in sludge rotary dryer, please feel free to contact us.

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