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Back to list Published: 2023-02-13

  Recently, news came from the after-sales department of Jiutian that the Hunan lithium slag dryer production line undertaken by our company has begun to be installed and is currently undergoing hoisting operations. The picture below is the installation site of Hunan lithium slag dryer:

Hunan lithium slag dryer began to be installed

  Lithium slag dryer is mainly used for drying lithium slag materials, mainly through heat transfer to dry materials, the more common is the drum dryer. The lithium slag drum dryer has large output, low energy consumption, less heat loss, and is more energy-saving and environmentally friendly. Lithium slag contains multi-element minerals and can be used to produce building materials after drying. The new wall materials aerated concrete blocks and lime-sand bricks are widely used. This time, Hunan customer purchased a lithium slag dryer for the comprehensive utilization of local lithium slag to make concrete.

  Jiutian slag dryer can dry various types of slag, mineral materials, tailings, etc., with mature technology. Welcome to consult!

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