Focus on heavy equipment

Back to list Published: 2024-04-19

  Recently, the Shijiazhuang sludge dryer renovation project undertaken by Jiutian was completed and officially put into operation.

Shijiazhuang sludge dryer renovation completed

  The sludge dryer is a large-scale drying equipment developed based on the characteristics of sludge. After the sludge is dried, the physical and chemical properties of the sludge can be changed at the same time. The moisture can be dried to about 20% at one time, and the volume is greatly reduced, which is convenient Storage, landfill, transportation, etc. Shijiazhuang sludge dryer is a drum dryer with a special design on the internal structure of the cylinder, which not only improves the thermal efficiency, but also effectively avoids the sticking and over-drying of sludge in the dryer. It has high thermal efficiency. Energy saving and environmental protection.

  The sludge dryer is suitable for drying all types of urban sludge, industrial sludge, and papermaking sludge. We can customize according to customer needs and provide free design solutions. If you are interested in sludge dryer project, please contact us.

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