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Back to list Published: 2024-08-24

  After the printing and dyeing wastewater is treated with flocculants, printing and dyeing sludge is produced. The printing and dyeing industry produces a large amount of sludge, and the moisture content is generally as high as 96%-99%. After mechanical dehydration, it is still 55%-85%. The volume and mass are still large. Printing and dyeing sludge generally has a high content of inert substances, but less content of organic matter, pathogens, etc., and a low calorific value. It generally has a high content of heavy metals.

  Types of printing and dyeing sludge:

  Printing and dyeing sludge is classified according to its main components into two categories: organic sludge and inorganic sludge. The sludge produced by biological treatment of sewage is organic sludge, which is mainly composed of organic matter. In addition, there is oil sludge and sludge formed by the precipitation of solid organic matter in wastewater; inorganic sludge is mainly composed of inorganic matter and is sludge produced by chemical treatment, such as coagulation precipitation and chemical precipitation.

  Characteristics of printing and dyeing sludge:

  The characteristics of organic sludge are high organic content, easy to decompose and stink, small sludge particles, often in a flocculent state, low relative density, high water content, strong water holding capacity, not easy to sink, compact, dehydrate, good fluidity, and global pipeline transportation; Inorganic sludge is mainly composed of inorganic matter, and its characteristics are high relative density, large particles, easy to precipitate, compact, dehydrate, poor water holding capacity of particles, low water content, good sludge stability, no decomposition, poor fluidity, and not easy to be transported by pipeline.

printing and dyeing sludge dryer

  Disposal of printing and dyeing sludge:

  Jiutian printing and dyeing sludge dryer is a professional sludge drying equipment specially developed and manufactured according to the characteristics of printing and dyeing sludge. The process adopts high-temperature hot air drying and combines the development of contemporary automation technology to apply it in the field of printing and dyeing sludge treatment. Provide non-standard customized services, the overall equipment has a compact structure, small footprint, good wear resistance and corrosion resistance, high drying efficiency, low heat loss, simple operation, stable performance, and can process more than 100 tons of printing and dyeing sludge per day.

  Utilization of printing and dyeing sludge:

  The mature treatment method of printing and dyeing sludge is to dry and reduce the amount, and then dispose of it as a resource. The common resource utilization methods are: 1. Use it as a fuel to replace the consumption of raw coal to reduce the production cost of the enterprise; 2. Blend it into shale materials to prepare sintered bricks; 3. Use sludge to produce high-temperature calcined ceramsite. Jiutian can design drying solutions based on the above resource utilization methods, and can also provide technical and equipment manufacturing support services for the entire deep processing.

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