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Back to list Published: 2024-09-11

  Limestone is a sedimentary rock that is widely used in building materials, metallurgy, mineral processing, chemical industry, cement and other industries. Before it can be used in industry, it needs to be dried. Limestone dryer is a kind of equipment used to dry limestone.

limestone dryer

  Uses of dried limestone:

  1. Building materials

  Limestone is a common building material. After drying, its hardness and strength are improved, so it can be used to make various building components, such as bricks, tiles, lime, etc. At the same time, the dried limestone can also be used for paving the exterior walls, floors and roofs of buildings, with good durability and stability.

  2. Chemical raw materials

  After heating and decomposing, limestone can produce calcium oxide and carbon dioxide. Calcium oxide can be used as a chemical raw material to make various chemical products, such as bleaching powder, lime nitrogen, etc. At the same time, the dried limestone can also be used to make glass, ceramics, fertilizers and other products.

  3. Metallurgical raw materials

  Calcium oxide in limestone can be used as a metallurgical raw material to manufacture various metal oxides, such as iron oxide, zinc oxide, etc. At the same time, the dried limestone can also be used as a flux and protective agent in the metallurgical process.

  4. Agricultural fertilizers

  Calcium oxide in limestone can be used as an agricultural fertilizer to improve soil structure and soil fertility. At the same time, the dried limestone can also be used to manufacture various organic fertilizers and compound fertilizers.

  5. Environmentally friendly materials

  After processing and treatment, limestone can be used to produce various environmentally friendly materials, such as activated carbon, zeolite molecular sieves, etc. These materials can be used in fields such as air purification and sewage treatment, and are of great significance to improving environmental quality.

  In short, limestone has many uses after drying. It can not only be used as building materials, chemical raw materials, metallurgical raw materials and agricultural fertilizers, but also as environmentally friendly materials in various fields. Therefore, in industrial production, limestone dryer is one of the most important equipment.

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