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Back to list Published: 2021-08-02

Sand has no unique advantages in nature, but after being dried in a sand dryer, it has a wide range of uses. River sand, yellow sand, sea sand, etc., These sands are classified according to the size of different particles, the particle size is different, the purpose of the sand is also completely different. If the sand is wet, it cannot be separated. At this time, you need to use a dryer to dry the sand and inject it into the linear vibrating screen. The size of the sand is separated through various mesh filters and stored separately.The river sand dryer is generally suitable for bulk materials, especially dry sand, river sand, quartz sand and other materials with excellent drying effect. It is widely used in building materials, chemical, foundry and other industries.

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Jiutian sand dryer can dry materials with an initial moisture content of 15% to ensure that the final moisture content is below 0.5-1%. It is a preferred product for various drying projects such as cement plant slag powder and dry mortar lines. It is better than traditional single cylinder dryers. Increase in thermal efficiency by more than 40%.

Zhengzhou Jiutian three-layer sand rotary dryer occupies less floor space than single-cylinder dryer, and is efficient, energy-saving and environmentally friendly. The equipment supports customization. For more information, go to the Internet.

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