Focus on heavy equipment

Back to list Published: 2021-12-24

  Bentonite becomes a paste when it meets with water. It can be dried at a high temperature by a rotary dryer and dehydrated strongly. The moisture content of the dry material can be reduced to less than 10%. According to the current changes in market demand, the bentonite drying technology has been upgraded, but the price of the dryer is more favorable.

bentonite dryer

  The bentonite dryer is also suitable for drying and upgrading diatomite, bauxite, kaolin and other mineral soils, using a drum dryer. This kind of structure and drying process has the characteristics of large processing capacity, small plant area, mature technology and stable performance. Traditional bentonite dryers are generally equipped with coal-fired heating equipment, including pulverized coal furnaces, boiling furnaces, etc. Zhengzhou Jiutian Machinery has upgraded the heat source technology and uses clean energy as the heating fuel for the equipment, which is suitable for widespread and multi-location promotion.

  How much is a bentonite dryer? The price of bentonite dryer is affected by equipment performance, technical process, manufacturing cost, practicability, etc. Therefore, when customers purchase, they need to rationally evaluate the equipment that the manufacturer's quotation is too low, otherwise the risks and potential losses in the later period will be immeasurable.

  Zhengzhou Jiutian is a manufacturer of bentonite dryers with affordable prices. If you need to purchase bentonite dryer, please feel free to contact us.

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