Focus on heavy equipment

Back to list Published: 2022-05-05

  The special thermal design concept is adopted in the design of the sand dryer, which eliminates the heat loss of the wind tunnel, increases the heat exchange area and the evaporation intensity per unit volume, has a good energy saving effect, and can greatly improve the drying efficiency of the sand, so that it can be used as soon as possible. So how does it work to complete the drying process?

sand dryer

  The sand is sent to the hopper by the belt conveyor or bucket elevator, and then enters the feeding end through the feeding pipeline through the feeding machine of the hopper. The inclination of the feeding pipeline should be greater than the natural inclination of the material, so that the material can flow into the sand dryer smoothly.

  The dryer cylinder is a rotating cylinder that is slightly inclined to the horizontal. The material is added from the higher end, the heat carrier enters from the low end, and is in countercurrent contact with the material, and some heat carrier and material flow into the cylinder together. With the rotation of the cylinder, the material runs to the bottom end by gravity. During the forward movement of the wet material in the cylinder, the heat is directly or indirectly supplied by the heat carrier, so that the wet material is dried, and then sent out through a belt conveyor or a screw conveyor at the discharge end.

  If you are interested in our sand dryer, please feel free to contact us.

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