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Back to list Published: 2022-06-17

  Sand is formed by the repeated collision and friction of large stones by the force of water for tens of thousands of years. Because the composition of the rock itself is complex, the composition of the sand is also more complex. The river sand particles are smooth and relatively clean, unlike the sea sand. , no corrosion to buildings. River sand is bland on the surface, but it can be used in a wide range of uses after drying in a sand dryer.

river sand dryer

  River sand plays a very important role in construction projects: river sand, stones and cement must be added to the concrete used for paving. The laying of floor tiles, wall tiles and basic treatment in house decoration are inseparable from river sand. Generally, the use of Zhongsha river sand is recommended. The mortar used for building brick walls is composed of river sand and cement, and the cement mortar used for smearing exterior walls is also river sand and cement.

  Besides being used as a building material, the dried river sand can be used for foundry sand, drying sand, and washing sand. It is professionally used in building thermal insulation sand paddles, foundry, sewage treatment, artificial sand beaches and other industries. The dried sand is filtered by sand. , it can be used for sewage treatment after backwashing and other procedures. It can also be used to manufacture glass, refractory materials, smelting ferrosilicon, metallurgical fluxes, ceramics, abrasive materials, etc.

  River sand is dug out directly from the river. To achieve these uses, it is impossible to do without drying. The process of drying river sand is to fish the river sand out of the river, then process it, dry it, evenly distribute it, pack it, and then sell it. The main equipment used is a sand dryer, which is a tumble dryer with reliable operation, large operating flexibility, strong adaptability and large processing capacity. Zhengzhou Jiutian specializes in the production of sand dryers. Welcome to contact us.

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