Focus on heavy equipment

Back to list Published: 2022-07-30

  There are many types of sludge dryers. At present, the common ones are drum type, paddle type, vibrating fluidized bed type, etc. The equipment type of sludge dryer will directly affect the later sludge drying production operation. The sludge drum dryer adopts the principle of high temperature drying, and achieves the purpose of heat and mass transfer, dehydration and drying through direct or indirect contact between wet sludge and high temperature hot air. From the working principle of the above sludge drying equipment, it can be seen that the applicable materials can be mainly divided into the following three aspects.

sludge drum dryer

  1. High humidity and high viscosity materials. Because the drum sludge dryer is equipped with a special dispersing device and various lifting devices, the large pieces of wet material entering the drum are first broken up and crushed, and then continuously rolled under the action of the high-speed swinging lifting plate. At this time, the heated area of the hot air and the wet material and the evaporation rate of water are greatly increased, and soon a layer of "dry shell" is formed on the surface of the material, which effectively avoids the adhesion and agglomeration of high-humidity and high-viscosity materials during the drying process.

  2. Chemical raw materials. Some chemical raw materials cannot be directly dried, but need to be dehydrated and dried under certain special conditions. Therefore, in order to ensure the stability of the material properties, the customer needs to communicate in detail with the technical personnel of the drum sludge dryer manufacturer, and customize a suitable drying plan according to the characteristics of the material.

  3. Strong corrosive materials. Some materials are highly corrosive. During the drying process, the materials are in contact with the cylinder wall, the dispersing device and the lifting plate for a long time, which will inevitably cause corrosion and damage to the internal structure of the cylinder. Corrosive materials are used to manufacture equipment, and special process improvements are made to the drum sludge dryer, which can effectively prolong the service life of the equipment.

  4. Industrial hazardous waste materials. Industrial hazardous wastes have the characteristics of high water content, complex composition, toxicity, flammability, difficulty in dehydration, and high output. Therefore, special drum sludge dryers are required for dehydration and drying.

  For different drying requirements, due to the different factors such as the moisture content, viscosity, output, and site limitations of the material, the technological requirements for the drum sludge dryer are also different. When purchasing large-scale drying equipment, the matching process technology should be selected according to the actual production situation, so as to better ensure the use effect of the drum sludge dryer.

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