Focus on heavy equipment

Back to list Published: 2022-10-14

  Sludge is the product of sewage treatment, and its main characteristics are high water content, perishable, peculiar smell, fine particles, and gelatinous liquid. Sludge can be pumped, but it is difficult to separate solids from liquids by sedimentation. Moreover, the production methods of sludge are various, including industrial sludge, domestic sludge, paper mill sludge, etc., and different sludge production methods have different impacts on the environment. The appearance of the sludge dryer makes the sludge get better use and the environment is also protected.

sludge dryer

  For coastal cities, ocean dumping is simple and inexpensive to handle. With the enhancement of people's awareness of ecological environment, the impact of sludge dumping on the marine ecological environment has attracted more and more attention. Because the heavy metals in the sludge exceed the standard, they may return to the table through food such as marine organisms, which is extremely harmful to the human body. If the sludge is not handled properly in the landfill process, it will cause serious secondary damage to the groundwater, thus threatening human health.

  Due to the high moisture content of sludge, it is easy to rot and smell, and its simple landfill may cause serious damage to the soil. Soil loses its ability to decompose. Moreover, the harmful substances in the sludge will penetrate into the soil, be absorbed by plants, and return to the food, causing harm to the human body.

  Although the sludge has a great impact on the environment, the dried sludge can also bring economic benefits to people, and at the same time, it can treat the sludge and protect the environment. The treatment and export of organic wastes such as municipal sludge wastewater treatment plants provides a new economical and feasible way to achieve stabilization, harmlessness and resource utilization of municipal sludge, which is beneficial to agricultural production, environmental protection of the chemical fertilizer industry, and improved environmental protection. economic benefits and promote the sustainable development of society.

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