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Back to list Published: 2022-10-13

  If petroleum coke is not treated, it will cause great pollution to the environment. In response to the problem of petroleum drying in the market, Zhengzhou Jiutian has developed a new type of petroleum coke dryer, which not only increases production but also reduces environmental pollution. Petroleum coke is generally divided into three categories, needle coke, sea surface coke, and projectile reef. According to different properties, the uses are also different. Needle coke is mainly used for high-power graphite electrodes; sea surface coke is mainly used in aluminum smelting and carbon industries, and projectile reefs can only be used for fuel in power plants or cement industry.

petroleum coke dryer

  Petroleum coke cannot be used directly before being dried, and if it is improperly stored or transported, it will pollute the local environment, so it is very important to dry petroleum coke. The drying effect of petroleum coke depends on whether the quality of the purchased dryer passes the test. The quality requirements of petroleum coke dryers are relatively high, and the drying time of materials with different properties is also different. Generally, after the petroleum coke is dried, the moisture of the material can be kept below 8%, which can reduce the cost of material transportation and the pollution caused by the storage process.

  If you are interested in our petroleum coke dryer, please feel free to contact us.

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