Focus on heavy equipment

Back to list Published: 2023-07-28

  Whether it is river sand fished out of the river or machine-made sand washed by a sand washing machine, their water content is relatively high, but when used in construction, the water content of the sand is required to be below 3%, so the sand with high water content not only has to be discounted in price, but also has a problem with sales, and it is easy to be unsalable. The dried sand can be used in dry powder mortar for various constructions, especially the insulation layer used in urban housing construction must use dry sand, so the dried sand is undoubtedly a tight product. Is the cost of sand drying high?

sand drying equipment

  The cost of sand drying mainly includes the following aspects:

  1. The cost of setting up a factory

  The procedure for setting up a factory is similar to that of a sand and gravel factory. It requires a production and operation license, a business license, and approval from the environmental protection department. The cost is not high, but it takes a long time, so preparations must be started in advance.

  2. Wet sand purchase cost

  The purchase of raw materials can be divided into two situations, one is the organic sand production line, which buys stones, and the other is the direct purchase of wet sand.

  3. Cost of sand drying equipment

  There are not many equipments to be prepared for drying sand, only transportation equipment, heat source equipment, and drying equipment are enough.

  4. Electricity cost

  The equipment needs to be started with electricity, and the electricity consumption for drying one ton of sand is about 4 degrees.

  The sand market is huge. Even if the profit is thin, it will bring good returns after years of accumulation. So investing in a sand dryer is promising.

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