Focus on heavy equipment

Back to list Published: 2024-01-22

  The following aspects need to be paid attention to during the operation of the river sand dryer to ensure the normal operation of the equipment and extend the life of the equipment:

river sand dryer

  Equipment installation and debugging: When installing the river sand dryer, the operation should be carried out according to the installation drawings of the equipment, and the equipment should be fixed and connected in strict accordance with the requirements. When debugging the equipment, you should first conduct a no-load test run, confirm that there are no abnormalities in the equipment, and then perform a load test run to ensure the normal operation of the equipment.

  Equipment use: When using the river sand dryer, it should be adjusted according to the nature and processing capacity of the material to avoid overload or low-load operation. At the same time, attention should be paid to the speed and running direction of the equipment to avoid equipment failure due to improper operation.

  Equipment maintenance and upkeep: Equipment maintenance and upkeep are important measures to ensure the normal operation of the equipment and extend the life of the equipment. Equipment should be cleaned and lubricated regularly, wearing parts should be replaced in a timely manner and equipment faults should be repaired to ensure normal operation of the equipment.

  Safe operation: During the operation of the river sand dryer, you should pay attention to safety and strictly abide by the operating procedures and safe operating specifications to avoid accidents caused by improper operation.

  Equipment shutdown and maintenance: When the equipment is shut down, the material should be emptied first, and then the power and gas source of the equipment should be turned off to avoid equipment failure due to material residue. At the same time, equipment should be cleaned and inspected to detect and solve equipment faults and problems in a timely manner.

  Material handling: During the feeding process, it is necessary to ensure uniform feeding. Do not feed too much at one time or do not feed for a long time. At the same time, the material falling from the joint between the conveying equipment and the dryer barrel should be cleaned up in time.

  Temperature control: During operation, always pay attention to whether the temperature of the sand dryer is reasonable. When the temperature is high, less coal enters the combustion furnace, and when the temperature is low, more coal enters the furnace.

  In short, the normal operation of the river sand dryer requires many aspects of attention and maintenance. Only by strictly abiding by operating procedures during use and performing regular maintenance and upkeep can we ensure the normal operation of the equipment, extend the life of the equipment, and improve production efficiency and economic efficiency.

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