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Back to list Published: 2024-02-03

  Chrome concentrate dryer is rich in chrome and has a hard texture and high melting point. The chrome metal obtained by beneficiation is used in metallurgy, cement, glass, construction, national defense, chemical industry, metallurgy, casting and other fields. The chrome beneficiation process uses a combination of magnetic and flotation methods. The obtained chrome concentrate contains a certain amount of moisture and needs to be dried and dehydrated in chrome concentrate dryer to obtain higher-quality chromium concentrate powder.

chrome concentrate dryer

  The chromium concentrate dryer consists of a cylindrical structure. The cylinder is placed horizontally, with one end slightly higher and the other end slightly lower. When the equipment is working, the wet chromium concentrate is sent to the hopper through a belt conveyor or bucket elevator. , and then the chromium concentrate enters the inside of the dryer from the higher end of the dryer. The dryer keeps rotating, and the chromium concentrate in the cylinder is brought to a high place and then falls down as it rotates. There is a lifting plate on the inner wall of the cylinder. The purpose is to bring the chromium concentrate to a high place and scatter it evenly, thereby increasing the contact area between the chromite ore and the air. Some dryers also pass hot air in from one end to achieve the purpose of drying chromium concentrate more quickly.

  Jiutian chrome concentrate dryer is suitable for drying various types of concentrates, slag and ore powder, with large processing capacity and good drying effect. If you are interested in our equipment, please contact us.

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