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Back to list Published: 2024-04-07

  Quartz sand is an important industrial raw material and is widely used in glass, ceramics, metallurgy and other fields. However, since quartz sand is easily contaminated by moisture and other impurities during mining and transportation, it is necessary to dry it.

quartz sand dryer

  Glass manufacturing: Quartz sand is an important raw material for making transparent glass. In the glass manufacturing process, quartz sand needs to be dried to reduce the moisture content and ensure glass quality.

  Ceramic manufacturing: As an important part of ceramic raw materials, quartz sand also needs to be dried. This can ensure a constant moisture content in the raw materials, which is beneficial to the mixing, molding and sintering of the raw materials.

  After quartz sand is dried, the moisture content can be reduced to a certain range, and impurities can also be removed, greatly improving the purity and granulation of quartz sand.

  The quartz sand dryer is a contact type internal heating conduction drying machine. It has the advantages of high thermal efficiency, large drying rate, and stable drying quality of the product. It is widely used in glass, casting, ceramics and refractory materials, ferrosilicon smelting, metallurgical flux, metallurgy, construction, chemical industry, plastics, rubber, abrasives, filter materials and other industries.

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