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Back to list Published: 2024-03-11

  Sludge drum drying equipment is a kind of equipment specially used to process sludge. It dehydrates and dries sludge through hot air to achieve the purpose of reducing volume, reducing humidity and killing bacteria.

sludge drum drying equipment

  The working principle of sludge drum drying equipment is based on the principle of heat conduction. Inside the dryer, the material is heated by a heat source to evaporate the moisture inside the material, and then the water vapor is discharged through the fan inside the dryer to achieve drying of the material.

  Specifically, the sludge drum dryer mainly consists of a drum, heat source, fan and dust removal equipment. During the working process of the dryer, materials such as sludge with high humidity are first put into the drum. Then, heat is provided to the inside of the drum through a heat source to increase the temperature inside the drum. Under the action of high temperature inside the drum, the moisture inside the material begins to evaporate.

  At the same time, the water vapor inside the drum is discharged through the fan inside the dryer. In order to prevent water vapor from polluting the environment, the water vapor also needs to be treated with dust removal equipment. In this way, when all the moisture inside the drum has evaporated, the material has been dried.

  Sludge drum drying equipment is widely used for drying municipal sludge, urban sludge, printing and dyeing sludge, textile sludge, electroplating sludge, heavy metal sludge, chemical sludge, river sludge and other sludges. It provides favorable guarantee for the reduction, harmlessness, stabilization and resource utilization of sludge.

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