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Back to list Published: 2024-03-19

  There are many ways to quickly dry wet river sand, but a large amount of wet sand requires large-scale mechanized processing using drum dryer machinery. High-temperature hot air drying can dry the sand quickly, occupy a small area, intelligent control, and reduce labor costs.

river sand dryer

  River sand dryer, also known as three-layer drum dryer and three-pass drum dryer, is developed on the basis of single-cylinder dryer. It is based on the final moisture requirements of dried materials in different industries. , the moisture content of the dried material can reach less than 0.5-1%. Zhengzhou Jiutian specializes in the production of sand dryers with mature technology. After testing on river sand, river sand, sea sand, yellow sand, emery, garnet sand, quartz sand, foundry sand, slag and other materials, the results are very satisfactory.

  The river sand is sent to the hopper by a belt conveyor or bucket elevator, and then enters the feeding end through the feeding pipe through the feeding machine of the hopper. The inclination of the feeding pipe should be greater than the natural inclination of the material so that the material can flow into the sand dryer (yellow sand dryer) smoothly. The dryer cylinder is a rotating cylinder, which is slightly inclined with the horizontal line. Materials are fed in through the higher end, and heat carrier enters through the lower end, and contacts with materials in counter-flow. Sometimes heat carrier and materials flow into the cylinder together. As the cylinder rotates, the materials move to the lower end due to gravity. When the wet materials move forward in the barrel, they receive the heat from the heat carrier directly or indirectly, so that the wet materials can dry, and are sent out from the discharge end through a belt conveyor or screw conveyor. The inner wall of the barrel of the sand dryer is equipped with a lifting plate. Its function is to lift the materials and scatter them, to increase the contact surface of the materials and the airflow, in order to improve the drying rate and promote the advancement of the materials. Heat carriers are generally divided into hot air, flue gas, etc. After the heat carrier passes through the dryer, a cyclone dust collector is generally required to collect the materials in the gas. If you need to further reduce the dust content of the exhaust gas, it should also be discharged after passing through a bag dust collector or wet dust collector.

  For more detailed information about river sand dryer, please contact us.

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